
This Quiz App is created using Next js, and Next js core css modules with redux toolkit for state management and both the questions and answers are gotten from "The Trivia Api"...The Frontend part was of Course built and designed from scratch by yours truly...Me! of course (Sweeping bow), I hope You guys liked it and if you see any questions that you think the answers aren't there, or incomplete, or whatever, Believe you me when i tell you it is definitely no fault of mine (I'm Innocent!, don't kill me!).

I also went to the trouble of adding nice sweet little messages for you depending on your score (Yeah i'm a nice person, You're welcome), Tell me what you think by sending me a message via any social platform really and do follow me on github.

Instructions: To answer any question, Just click on your answer and select Next question button, Your answer is recorded when you choose an option.